About Us
Malinda & Associates is a professional Certified Public Accounting firm (P/1480) located at: UNIPEN Flats, Block A, 3rd Floor, Suite 12A, Hurlingham, (next to Shell Petrol Station), Argwings Kodhek Road, Nairobi, Kenya.
Its managing partner is Mr. Muia Malinda, a registered professional accountant (Reg: 2833) who is a good standing member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) with a wide professional experience in commercial companies, government, NGOs, trust institutions and associations among others.
Its managing partner is Mr. Muia Malinda, a registered professional accountant (Reg: 2833) who is a good standing member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) with a wide professional experience in commercial companies, government, NGOs, trust institutions and associations among others.
Muia Malinda
CPA (K), B.Sc
Managing Partner
Malinda & Associates is headed by Mr. Muia Malinda CPA(K), a professional accountant of over thirty years’ experience in accounting, auditing, taxation and financial management among other related services, derived from: over countrywide institutions which include: local & international commercial companies, NGOs, SACCOs, trust institutions and associations among others. Additionally, Mr. Malinda is a good standing (member number 2833) of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK). He has been the managing partner since 2006 and has seen a steady growth of the firm to embrace wider clientele from and not limited to: multinationals from Europe and China, manufacturing, hotels, government, NGOs and many commercial and trading companies.
Dr. Churchill Muinde
Associate Consultant
Dr. CPA. Churchill Muinde is a seasoned Finance Director, and Chief Finance officer in various industries such as: manufacturing, distribution, hotels and restaurants. He has in depth experience and skills in organizational knowledge, strategy making, financial modeling, technology selection, implementation and optimization. He also has a vast knowledge of business performance improvement and turnaround.
Macharia Karago
Associates Auditor
Macharia Karago B. Sc. and CPA finalist and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors is one of our highly experienced and skilled associate auditors. He was formerly with Coopers & Lybrand. While at Coopers & Lybrand he was audit senior in charge of audits of; manufacturing & insurance companies, provident funds, banks & NGOs. He was also a senior auditor with Caltex and Chevron Oil Explorations in Africa.
Core Values
Quality services, due care, timely results and integrity.
Our mission is to provide high standard of professional services in accordance with the international standards on best practices.
To be a leading professional accounting, auditing, taxation and financial consulting firm in the East Africa region.