Auditing & Assurance
Is examination of business books and records, so as to determine business performance of an organization. Auditing is also extended to provide assurance on some component business parts of an organization as well as on statutory compliances.Read More...
Accounting is a discipline concerned with capturing, recording, analysing and forecasting of business and financial data to generate
information on economic activity of an organization. For example information on: income and expenditure, financial status and cash flows.Read More...
This is government levy on incomes and expenditure of individuals and organizationsRead More...
Financial Management Services
Our services include acting as full Financial Management Agent for various NGOs, and specific donor projects and private sector businesses engaged in a wide range of sectors. These includes, reporting on project funds to various donors.Read More...
Company Secretarial Services
The services offered include all standard compliance requirements including convening shareholders annual general meetings, updating statutory secretarial books, preparing and filing all relevant statutory returns and notifications at the Companies Registry.Read More...